
Serviços SAP Ponta a Ponta

SAP® Services - WHAT WE DO

Our proposal is to offer end-to-end Services in SAP fully adhering to the rules that guide the automotive sector.

Our offer starts with the definition of the integration templates.

Through SAP PIXI or third partner, business processes are consolidated, which makes integration simpler and with minimal impact on your internal environment.

With our daily operation management services, the support is specialized and focused on processes, aiming at avoiding disruption in customer service.

SAP - Scheduling Agreement - DELFOR - DELJIT

The supply chains of automotive companies are usually fully automated. Instead of using paper-based processes, OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) and their suppliers communicate using electronic data interchange (EDI). Thereby, messages are sent from one IT system to another IT system without any human intervention.

The most important EDI processes in an automotive supply chain. We show which EDI document standards may be used and which IDoc types may be chosen in order to import and export the relevant information to and from an SAP ERP system.

EDI Standard - that We have knowledge

In contrast to for instance GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications – the worldwide standard for mobile telephone communication), there is no single global EDI standard. Instead there are different standardization organizations, issuing different standard versions. In the following we dwell on the most important ones.


UN/EDIFACT is an international standard for electronic data interchange, developed by the United Nations. The standardization work takes place within UN/CEFACT. UN/EDIFACT is one of the most successful EDI standards and is used in various industries worldwide. The standard per se is quite verbose and almost never used in its plain version. Instead different industries and companies have defined their own subsets of the generic standard.


ANSI ASC X12 is an EDI standard, which is developed by the American National Standards Institute. The subcommittees of ANSI develop EDI standards for various industries and domains such as finance, transportation, insurance, supply chain, etc. Today, ANSI ASC X12 plays an important role in EDI processes in North America, where it is the standard of choice for most industries, including the automotive industry.


VDA is the acronym for “Verband der deutschen Automobilindustrie” (association of the German automotive industry). Among other activities VDA issues a set of EDI standards, which are used for the exchange of business documents along the automotive supply chain. VDA is widely used among German car manufacturers and their suppliers.


Odette International Ltd. is a not-for-profit organization and a pan-European collaboration and services platform for the automotive industry. Among its members are various national automotive associations such as VDA (Germany), GALIA (France), etc. The goal of Odette is to achieve consensus solutions for the various challenges in the automotive industry, thus, ensuring maximum efficiency of supply chain processes. As part of its standardization work, Odette develops the Odette EDI standard.


All RDN messages approved by ANFEA to exchange and request information between customer and automotive, considering the location of Brazil taxes integration with EDI.

Our team from FORQUEST Go We have complete knowledge to implementation Logistic together with EDI process if your company have third partner logistics and need to connect SAP with another system.

We Product with name LAC that will connect your SAP with any system and do control.

Solution includes:

  • Transportation LES with EDI;
  • Shipment Cost Integration;
  • Purchase Order Freight with GRC;
  • Billing.

LES-AUTOMATION CLEAN is automation of logistics processes SD- Transporation. Objective: It seeks to define and optimize business processes and then run them on a computerized system architecture. This automation is not limited to the mere execution of automatic activities in the background; it goes beyond, maintaining a broad human intervention and the participation of the different related participants, such as employees, users and partners.

LAC offers the following process integrity controls:

  • The order of activities is maintained and regulated following the SAP STANDARD bosses.
  • The realization of the planned activities is guaranteed.
  • Guarantee of the necessary conditions for closing each activity.
  • Control of chains of responsibility (decision levels).
  • Monitoring of each stage and phase of the process.


By automating, we guarantee the execution of the process in its form, faithfully fulfilling it in the way it was intended and eliminating the possibilities of infringing the rules of integrity of the process, whether by fraud, ignorance or negligence.

  • Organizational structures in transportation.
  • Transportation Management.
  • Flow example. EDI or IDOC SHIPMENT and SHIPCON.
  • LAC functionalities.
    Activity Monitor COCKPIT Expedition.
    Transport and process execution screen.
    Control of each stage.
    Visualization of each stage of the SD X TRA process.
  • LAC - Logs.
    EDI and IDOCS control.
  • LAC - Administrative Screen.
    Process control.
  • LAC - NF-e Consultations by Transport.
    Process control.
  • LAC - Reports.

All the reports in a single screen.
Agility in consultation and easy operator control.
Tool allows consultation in detail in the various transport reports and freight costs, for analysis and audits of processes.

The plataform high availability and performance are guaranteed by the monitoring services of the implemented solutions in our customers in a 24/7 regime.

Specialized team offers support in two languages: English and Portuguese

Forquest Go

Find out more about Forquest Go! Contact us!
